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Pictures: Telescopes on Platforms
The Awesome Aluminum Platform.

Platform Accessories:

    Cordless Slew Control
    Polar Alignment Tool
    Built-in Battery
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Full Review: 20" f3.0 SpicaEyes Telescope on a Platform

CloudyNights Review

Owners Speak Out

A Customer Review by Markus Hagi

Customer Comment of the Month
   Updated 11/23/23

 Astrophotography with a Platform
 MallinCam Imaging
 MallinCam at the 2010 OSP
 Image of the Month Updated 12/13/24



Equatorial Platforms
Phone/Fax 530 615-1807



CCD Images by Matt Dawson

Matt Dawson in Luxembourg taken with an 18" Telekit Telescope on an Equatorial Platform using an Apogee KX260 CCD camera with an image scale of 2 arcsec per pixel. Note that all images are stacked from UNGUIDED 40-60 second exposures.
Matt Dawson and Andre Durand's observatory, with an 18" Telekit Telescope on a Dual-axis Equatorial Platform M100 -- The beautiful face-on spiral galaxy, M100 in Coma Berenices 05/29/00 100sec red, 200sec blue, 200sec green, 200sec b+w Sh2-71 -- Seldom photographed planetary nebula Sharpless 71 in Aquila 05/29/00 80sec red, 100sec blue, 100sec green, 400sec b+w
M104 -- The Sombrero Galaxy in the constellation Virgo 04//00 10sec b&w M51 -- The Whirlpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici 04/24/00, 20sec red, 30sec blue, 30sec green M97--The Owl Nebula in Ursa Major 03/04/000, 120s b&w
M42 the Orion Nebula 11/10/99, 60s red, 60s blue, 60 sec green NGC2024 - The Flame Nebula in Orion 11/10/99, 100s red, 120s blue, 120s green The planet Saturn 10/31/99, 2sec red, 2sec blue, 2sec green